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Sunday 22 December 2013

Cave Party

Saturday didn't dawn particularly nice, but it didn't matter.  Today was Finn's birthday party and his parents had come up with an inspired choice of a party activity.  They decided to hold his party in a cave.  It is one which is on a very minor road, that anyone can access. It had been raining all night, but it didn't matter, everyone donned their welly boots and in we went.  

The Intrepid Cavers
A couple of Dads had been to the cave earlier so there were lots of tea lights scattered about and even better than that lots of treasure and plastic bugs to find (Finn loves bugs).  So we took our torches in and went hunting.  The bottom of the cave was a river with the rain, but it was fine, we didn't get too wet and it was really exciting trying to find the bugs and coins in the dark.  Tom was a little unsure to start with but soon got in to the swing and had fun searching for them all.

There were great little touches such as glowing bracelets for everyone, sparklers when everyone had finished and then hot chocolate and rocky road back outside the cave.  What a fantastic idea, we will definitely go back and do that again with some of our 'city friends'.  We didn't even know the cave existed.

Sausage, chips & beans x 9
After we got back to the cars we all headed into Ingleton and went to Inglesport cafe where all the children had sausage, beans and chips.  It was complete mayhem in the cafe, but with a couple of teachers present (who have that 'voice' that children respond to) we managed to get them all sat down and eating (we managed to clear the cafe though!)

After a play in the park to run off excess energy we came home, made some pizzas and then spent the afternoon making lego models before bed.

Inter Course Hug
Sunday - we had a useful morning cleaning and tidying the house and then headed out to Hawes for the Matt Young Translations Ltd Christmas Do (don't think I've mentioned it before but Matt has incorporated his company - we are both Company Directors).  We had booked ourselves a table at the restaurant at the Wensleydale Creamery (always nice food) and enjoyed a posh 3 course dinner.  Tom ate off our plates - he did really well - eating sprouts (unlike his Dad!) and everything we gave him - including the biggest portion of Christmas pudding.  We then headed into Hawes for a little walk round before returning to the creamery for a once round the tasting room (at Tom's request - apparently 3 courses wasn't enough for him!).  We then headed back via the scenic route (ie via Sedburgh).  Tom fell asleep (which was the plan) for about 40 minutes in order to get him ready for Grannie and Grandpa's visit tomorrow.  We then came home and as the weather was miserable decided to watch 'The Pirates!' - a DVD which the Watsons sent us as a thank you for having them a couple of weeks ago.  It's an Aardman production so full of their usual wit.  This was also part of our plan to get Tom to concentrate (can he sit through a whole film - well not quite, but he didn't do too badly).  He burst into tears towards the end as he was worried for the main characters.  Bless him he is such a sensitive soul.  

Then a light tea and early to bed.  A big week starting tomorrow!

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