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Wednesday, 14 February 2018


After the busy, busy day yesterday we all needed a rest.  AND the house was a tip, so it needed sorting.

Matt and Tom filled the car with cardboard and took it to the tip in Settle whilst I cleared the garage back and put everything back where it belongs, AND I vacuumed it!

Then I hit the kitchen, whilst Matt hit his office and Tom hit his bedroom.  We had 3 stereos playing different music blasting out, just what we needed to get in the mood.  We broke for lunch - headed to the Penny Garth Cafe in Hawes, just to get out of the house.  There was a thin layer of snow on the ground, but not loads and certainly not enough for sledging.

We had our greasy spoon lunches and then headed back home for another hour or so of tidying.  Tom did an 'ok' job, but was a little overwhelmed with the mess and how to sort it out, so I helped him out.  Eventually he got a tidy bedroom, but there is probably another 2 hours of sorting and tidying to do on his shelves: he has an insane number of books, not sure what to do with them all.

We decided at 3 that we all deserved some time off, so came together in the lounge to finish off the Lion King from yesterday and then watched another episode of Planet Earth from Tom's Christmas haul.

Then we had a cupboard tea: left overs from the week with toast whilst watching Dad's Army.  Then an early bedtime for Tom and for us.  A boring but necessary day.

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