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Sunday, 5 May 2013

Water Baby

First of all, Tom woke up in a dry bed this morning - what a clever boy.  Matt woke him up when we went to bed and got him to do a wee, and then he went through to 8am with no accident - using his potty in his room.  We were so proud of him.  Once he gets this sorted, we then have to work out how to get him to use the bathroom rather than his potty, but we are so happy.

We woke to a horrible, dull, grey, rainy day.  I believe the rest of the country is bathed in sunshine, we haven't seen it yet.  It was a perfect day for swimming especially as Tom doesn't have his lesson tomorrow.  We thought we would try out Settle Pool as that is where Tom has his lessons, meaning he could show us what he has learnt.  It was a great idea, the water in the pool was really warm, the hottest in the area by some way.  Tom happily showed us what he's been up to.  He has grown significantly in confidence.  He wasn't just jumping in the pool - he was leaping in.  He willingly put his head under the water, many times.  He swam happily with his armbands and then was open to the suggestion to take them off and try a woggle instead.  He got the hang of the woggle after a couple of attempts and then swam widths with it.  We were amazed and delighted.  At one point, he tried to swim by himself with no aids, I let him, but his mouth went under the water and he got upset (although he did manage to propel himself).  He soon calmed down and was back jumping, leaping, dipping his head, swimming with aids etc.  A fantastic session, and the pool was really busy, but that didn't seem to faze him at all.

We stopped for lunch at The Watershed Mill, Hornby starter railway sets were on special offer and this time Matt couldn't resist, so it has started!  Tom doesn't know anything about it yet though, we are going to hold it back for either a treat or Christmas (depends how long Matt can go without getting it out)!

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