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Monday 4 November 2013

Half Term - Part 1

So I completely buggered up half term.  I took a couple of orders at the beginning of the year thinking that in October Tom would be at school and I would be able to do them easily.  I didn't think to look up when half term is?!!!  So, I had a 2 tier 20th anniversary cake to do and 60 wedding cupcakes - both for mid week delivery, meaning they had to be done during the week.  I also had my first Christmas delivery to make to the local bakery: 12 gingerbread houses, 12 walnut whip figures & 30 tiffins in various sizes.  Doesn't sound much - but it took me A LONG time to get them all ready - Huff!!!!!

Tom and Matthew at Greenlands
Monday - we had a family day.  It wasn't very nice, and we had arranged to meet with Lynne and Matthew (one of Tom's school mates) at Greenlands in the afternoon.  I iced and covered the two tiers for the anniversary cake first thing and then we headed out for lunch.  We ended up at Carnforth - had a look around the shops (great second hand bookshop there) and then went to the Brief Encounter tea room for lunch.  Tom as usual went straight to the Thomas room for a play.  However, there was another boy already playing in it.  Normally this would mean he would go silly and shy and refuse to play unless I was with him.  This didn't happen!  He went straight into the room and made friends with the little boy and then played with him.  Neither of us could believe our eyes!  We basically lost him and had to drag him out of the room so he could eat his lunch.

In the afternoon we went to Greenlands, I was half expecting Tom to be silly and shy again with Matthew as I haven't really seen him play with him outside of school, although he has had plenty of opportunity during the Summer swimming season and meeting at the park etc.  However, he happily went off with Matthew and his much older brother Tom (11) who did a sterling job playing with them both.  Matt, Lynne and I just sat and chatted - a whole new experience for me - there is normally some clinging and silly shyness for me to contend with when we go to these places.  We left almost at closing time with a happy and tired boy.

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