The way to travel |
So we were irresponsible parents on Friday and took Tom out for the last day of term! He had already got his attendance report, and anyway, he wouldn't have been able to join in any of the games - he would have more fun with us. The teachers were actually in agreement with us.
We packed up the car - wow you need a lot of equipment for even the most basic camping weekend (we didn't take any cooking gear as we knew there was plenty of great festival food waiting for us) It only just fits in and that's with one child in the car, don't know how people do it with two children! We got to the festival about an hour after it had opened and as a result got parked right next to the camping grounds and we had the pick of where to pitch the tent - such a difference to last year where we struggled to find a space big enough for our tent!
Sleepy boy |
It took 2 journeys with a trolley to get all our gear to the field and a whole lot of sweat - oh yes it was hot hot hot - guess what there aren't any showers - so we were hot, sweaty and smelly before it even started. We got the tent up without too much trouble, Tom normally helps but with his broken arm, it was too difficult for him. We forgot our mallet so were glad that it had rained recently and the ground was soft - although my hand was hurting for the rest of the day!
Sam Sam Bubbleman |
On the big wheel |
The festival arena opened at 1pm, we dashed in to get our first meal of the festival - Tom had a children's hot dog, Matt a hot dog with everything and I had a very tasty chilli. We were all happy and looking forward to trying out some more.
We went for a look around the activity tents - Tom made a cardboard camera, in a tent that was roasting roasting hot and then an octopus / squid type creature with a milk bottle and ribbons. We then returned to the tent for a nap as we were all getting a little tired. We collapsed on our beds and I think I even managed to catch some cat naps. It was pretty hot in the tent though! Late afternoon we returned to the festival, Matt started on the beer, whilst Tom and I had an ice-cream each. The fact Tom wanted an ice-cream is proof enough that it was hot as he will only entertain the thought of one when he is very very hot. He chose a strawberry sorbet - and it was delicious - much better than anything you get on the high street.
Cameraman Tom |
We sheltered from the sun inside a teepee for a while before heading back to camp again to get ourselves ready for the evening - we got our chairs and headed for the mound to enjoy the music and food. Matt had mango and chicken korma, Tom a fish finger sandwich and I opted for a veggie indian curry - we were all very happy with our choices - especially Tom when he was allowed to get some churros and chocolate sauce for pudding. We stayed until about 10pm and then went back to the tent for bed.
Saturday the campsite as a whole woke up at 6am - we managed to lie in for a while, but think we gave up around 8am and joined the long queue for the toilets. I got Matt a coffee to help kick start him (we didn't have a very good night's sleep - there was a very loud snorer very close to us) he then had an eggy bread bacon sandwich to put him on. We found ourselves playing Ludo in the activities area which went on and on - so much so we had to leave it without finishing it as Sam Sam Bubble Man was on in the big top. We saw him last year and it was one not to miss. It was good we went early as it was standing room only for a good 15 minutes before it started. Unfortunately the show wasn't quite as slick as last year as the bubbles weren't playing in the hot and humid atmosphere. He had real trouble getting his tricks to work, but it didn't matter, his enthusiasm was catching and Tom enjoyed himself, so much so he spent the last of his pocket money on a special device that makes small bubbles in big bubbles.
Home from home |
After the show, Tom and I had a ride on the big wheel. We then headed to the activities area for lunch. Macaroni Cheese for the boys and moules marinere for me - they were huge, big juicy modules too - very very yummy. One of the activities was friendship bracelets - we decided to make one, so Tom could give it to Emma (she had bought Tom some lego as a get well better soon gift after he broke his arm). He wasn't the most dedicated worker - but we got there in the end. We were all wilting by this time, so decided to head back to the tent and go for a nap. It was hot, hot, hot again, but it was good to rest.
Mad festival selfie faces! |
We headed back to the festival late afternoon in search for an ice-cream for Tom again - he was so hot he said only an ice-cream would help. There was a long queue, but we persevered and he got his strawberry sorbet again. We spent the evening on the mound again. Dinner was Jambalaya for Matt, Cumberland Sausage hot dog for Tom and veggie green Thai curry for me - all very tasty again. This year they had comedians on including Tom Wrigglesworth and Mark Watson who we both like. Matt went to see Tom and I went to see Mark. It was standing room only, but worth while - a good giggle. The music on Saturday night was good too and Tom was in good spirits so we stayed up till 11pm until it was too cold to stay still any longer.
Sunday the campsite woke up at 7am - a whole hour later than yesterday morning. We still didn't sleep that well and the snorer still snored - in fact his snores entered my dreams! We headed to the festival for breakfast - bacon sarnie for Matt, smoked salmon and cream cheese bagel for Tom and avocado and scrambled egg tacos for me - all very lovely. We went back to the tent and packed it all up and took it back to the car, so much easier when your car is near the entrance! We headed back to the festival to do some activities, Tom painted a stone and made a super hero mask. We then did some window shopping - Matt discovered that a stall holder he bought a shirt from on Friday was from High Bentham! A lost child found me - so I had to sort him out, and we ended up adopting a child (5 year old Anna) whilst playing snakes and ladders. It was a nice chilled out Sunday. We had lunch: roast chicken and chips - 1 portion between the 3 of us as we were still full from breakfast and then decided to head home as the forecast was rain and we were tired. We timed it perfectly, it started to rain just as we headed out of the car park.
The site from above |
It was a good weekend, however, we thought we were going to be there with friends to meet up with in the evenings to enjoy the music, beer and company together - their little girl and Tom are good friends and it is a delight to watch them play together. They had been telling us that they didn't think they would make it due to family sickness - which we completely understood. But then we bumped into them and they didn't look happy to see us! Obviously they didn't want to spend time with us (they were with other friends) so we didn't force it and spent the festival by ourselves. Not a problem as we enjoy each others company, but it put a damper on the whole weekend and of course we kept seeing them and Tom kept asking when he would be able to play with his friend! Not great and I think a friendship which we thought was strong has been severed! We've been wracking our brains as to why this has happened and can't work it out, obviously something subtle that we don't understand. I felt like it was typical childish bullying behaviour - something I thought I had left behind in the playground many years ago. It is very sad - only last week they had been expressing sympathy re Tom's broken arm! I hate that - double standards: either be a friend or don't be a friend - don't pretend! I personally think life is too short and precious for this sort of behaviour and seeing what I've been through this year (and they helped and supported us through it!?) it just makes me very very sad and very bewildered, what happened to the festival spirit of everyone loving everyone? Rant over!
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