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Friday, 1 June 2018

Royal Wedding and Cricket

So this week was the first week of All Stars Cricket.  Tom has been attending cricket sessions since the beginning of term on the Community Field on a Friday with a couple of others and we have managed to get some newbies involved, but this week was the first official week of the training programme.  Ingleton this year are doing it on two nights a week: Thursdays and Fridays.  You sign up for one but can turn up to either or both!  As soon as Tom found out he could do both days we of course wanted to and because he enjoys it so much and (I'm told) is quite good - especially at bowling, we thought it would be good to get in as much practice as possible because it is such a short season.  So between Matt and Tom cricket is taking over my summer weekends.  Oh hum, no point fighting it!  However, this now means that Tom is doing something every night of the week which means term time life is getting a little manic:

+ Monday he does Box Fit with Tomi Tatham after school
+ Tuesday he either goes to Xanders and then cubs or Xander comes here and they go to cubs together
+ Wednesday - he has a friend home and then swimming lesson at 7.45
+ Thursday - cricket
+ Friday - cricket

Saturday / Sunday - Matt and or Tom have cricket match!

I have been quite busy at work with orders and developing new ideas, so it's all got a bit crazy and out of control.  Looking forward to half term when we can relax a bit, although cricket still happens!

Ingleton Under 11s
So, on Saturday there was no football - hurray.  We decided to have a slow day as with all the weekday activity on top of hay fever, he needed it.  It was another beautiful weekend as well, so no need to go too far.  Plus I have done something to my leg meaning I can't walk far at the moment and was on enforced rest from the doctor.

It was also the Royal Wedding.  Now, I hadn't got caught up in the pre-wedding stuff, but thought that as Tom was 9 (about the same age I was when Charles and Di got married) I should let him see it, experience the pomp and ceremony etc, it is something us British do well.  Quite glad I did.  Matt was against it, but once it started he came in and he got drawn in as well.  It certainly was a lovely event: handsome people, gorgeous sunny day, lots of love - obviously a good match.  As Meghan is American and mixed race, the wedding was much more diverse than previous ones: gospel choir and the best thing was Michael Curry the preacher who was from Chicago and was brilliant.  British CofE ministers are ALWAYS very very dull, too caught up in their own importance to realise that they deliver deadly boring and monotonous sermons.  This preacher had style, energy and a whole new way to talk about God.  There were some great glances between the royals, he stole the show and showed us how to make God interesting - although I still don't believe (I would be more likely to want to with preachers like him around!)

Anyway we managed to watch it until they went to sign the register and then we headed to Inglesport because Matt was starving.  They were watching it at Inglesport too so we didn't miss much.  When we got back Tom wanted to play cricket, so we headed over to the Astro pitch for a bash around and then we headed home for a quite afternoon, another BBQ and early to bed.

Tom batting
Sunday was an exciting day for Tom - it was his debut for the Ingleton Under 11s Cricket Team.  He was so proud to be asked (although it isn't about how good you are, just if you are available and willing)  There was quite a spread of ages and ability in the end.  They play completely different rules: each team starts with 200 runs, then batsmen pair up and face 4 overs each.  They loose 5 runs each time a wicket falls, but remain in until the 4 overs is completed.  This means that you can't get out straight away which is a good thing.  Ingleton batted first and ended up with 150 runs which tells you all you need to know.  Tom did OK - he scored a couple of singles and he didn't get out  (apart from once when he got run out by his partner - not his fault!)  Most lost quite a few times but a couple were brilliant and made loads of runs which was lucky.

Bowling: Tom was on first and didn't do too badly, although he didn't get a wicket.  In fact some people we didn't know behind us remarked on 'the good little bowler' and Bob who was watching was able to shout out that it was his grandchild which was nice.  Anyway it was a really good atmosphere and Tom enjoyed himself, that's what matters.  Took about 2 hours all in all!

We went home for lunch and then Matt headed out for cricket as he was playing for the first team.  We stayed in waiting for Sainsbury's - they never turned up, long story and then we had a visit from the Bickerstaffs which included doing their laundry for them as their washing machine had gone bang, by the time the washing was done and we had returned it to them we had missed Matt bowl.  Typically he bowled really really well.  I then had to make tea so we didn't see him bat either!  Oh well.

So a nice lovely sunny crickety sort of a day!  The first of many to come I think...

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