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Tuesday, 2 February 2016


Zooming down the slope

We had snow this weekend!  We didn't get to play in it on Saturday, but we did on Sunday.  We were one of the first to get to The Old Hill Inn and we spent a good 2 hours sledging up and down the slopes.  Half of Tom's class were there too, so there was a really good atmosphere.  Note to self though, we need another sledge as Tom wants to go by himself now, so Matt and I have to wait AGES to have a go.

Happy, rosy cheeks!
After 2 hours we all had freezing cold feet, so we decided to leave everyone to it and head up to Hawes in search of food.  We figured we had been good active boys and girls so we headed to the Penny Garth cafe in search of their fab chips.  It was a great morning, Tom would have stayed all day if he hadn't got cold feet!  As we drove back past the slope, we saw loads and loads of people on it - we definitely did good by doing the morning slot - fresh snow and more space!

You Tube Video:

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