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Friday, 24 February 2017

Last Day

Tom and Sandra
So, today was supposed to be Matt's day to decide what to do, but he looked very very rough when we woke up this morning, and quite frankly was capable of little.  We had breakfast (Sandra was back) and got some tea into Matt to try to revive him.

Tom the eel
It wasn't to be, he didn't want to do much, and I couldn't blame him, I know how he feels and it is pretty terrible.  Now one idea was to go to Santa Cruz to have a look around, but there was no way Matt could manage a bus ride and I didn't really want to leave him on his own for another lonely day. Luckily this morning we had sunshine so we reached a compromise, Tom and I spent the morning outside by the pool whilst Matt went to the spa again to try and steam himself better.  It was a good compromise, I taught Tom how to do sudoku and practised taking lots of underwater photos whilst we enjoyed the sun.  It was quiet, relaxing and educational.  I guess that really I needed some down time after the last couple of weeks and Matt certainly needs down time here, and as long as I can entertain Tom with something he is happy.  We only brought 3 reading books for him, and he has read them over and over and over again and is happy to continue to do so.

Matt came out of the spa with an appetite so we went into town in search of food and ended up with pizza again - there are a huge amount of pizzerias here.  Matt then went back to the hotel for a snooze whilst Tom and I went for a walk along the coast.  We found quite a few interesting spots, some cannons in case of invasion (not sure who from - probably us, it is always us!), a corner of the path which was littered with 100s of stone stacks where people have removed big stones from the beach and made pillars with them.  They made quite an impressive sight all together.
Black sand beach

Next we came to a rather lovely black sand beach where we stopped a good hour whilst Tom had a play.  He turned into a jumping frog, got wet in the spray, made a sand angel, and many more things, he certainly let his silly side go and had fun, all very good.  Once he was done, we continued on around the coast to Loro Parque, where we got the free yellow train back into town.  We then had an ice cream each - Tom is finally into ice creams, we have had to teach him how to eat them as he is missing an 8 year back story of being a messy eater with them (on the day we arrived, we all had an ice-cream and he ended up coated in it and getting a telling off as it soiled 1 of 2 jumpers I brought for him).  Today he ate one with not a drip going on his clothes - he took great pains to point this out to me too!!!!!
Sand monster

We returned to the hotel and had to wake up Daddy to get into our room as our key card had stopped working.  Now Matt NEVER falls asleep during the day - a bit like me, he has to be mega ill to fall asleep, so I guess that was proof enough, not that he needed to prove anything.

We had showers, baths etc then went to Hiper Dino to pick up extremely cheap chorizo to take home, returned home to play a card game before the last buffet of the holiday - today was ebi day - yahooo, Tom and I partook, but Matt didn't.  Then back to our room for a wind down before bed.  Think Matt can't wait to get home tomorrow!

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