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Thursday, 28 February 2019

Snow and curry

Rosy cheeks
Eyes on the ball!

Friday - we have snow and Tom wasn't too ill or too busy to enjoy it, so we sped back home after school and headed out to the field across the road for some sledging action.  There wasn't loads of snow - but enough for a couple of good runs.

Saturday - we still have snow - yay!  Saturday morning it was still cold and there was still plenty of snow on the ground so after helping at the badminton jumble sale set up we got changed into our snow clothes and headed up to Ingleton sledging slopes (just behind the Hill Inn) where the slopes were full of local children sledging.  We have 2 sledges between us so we got stuck in - was good fun.  We recognised some faces (hard to recognise people when they are all togged up) and bumped into and hung around with the Mannings.
Family Young in the snow

It was a good session - although Matt broke a sledge by going over a stone, and I came to a sudden halt by hitting a stone and managed to bite my tongue (from above and below - lots of blood and it went completely numb - still not right now at the end of Feb!)  Usual thing:  kids had a great time and adults hurt themselves easily!  We gave up when our tummies started rumbling and headed back home to get out of our cold wet clothes and to Inglesport for lunch.

The afternoon was spent preparing for the Holmans to come round for tea (I went for a full roast).  The boys went up to Ribblehead in the afternoon to see a steam train head across the viaduct, they got home just before the Holmans arrived and then we spent a good night drinking and eating and playing board games.  The kids get on well which makes the evening so so so easy.  Didn't get to bed till late.
Caterpillar of sledges

Sunday - was a miserable day - it was raining so all the snow was disappearing.  We decided to head to Bradford for the day.  We drove to Connolly and got the train in.  First stop was The Kashmir for lunch where we over ate on poppodams, onion bhajis and cocony - was worth it though and this time we had service with a smile which is quite unusual.

The afternoon was spent at the media museum which has recently reinvented itself as the Media and Science museum.  We were pleasantly surprised.  The museum used to be quite dry and uninspiring, but the new science part was very hands on and vibrant and we got to see a science show all about light waves which even I understood.  Certainly it is now worth a visit, think we will visit Bradford a little more often now on cold, rainy days.

Tom fell asleep in the car on the way home - he is still not 100% after his illness!

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