So, went to the waterbirth session at the Princess Royal last night, the birthing pool looks a little like a skip, but I still think it is the way to go - anything that reduces the risk of tears sounds good to me, plus the water will make me weightless and help me relax which should all help towards a shorter labour - well that's the theory anyway. Matt was told to wear shorts, flip flops and a light shirt as the room gets quite hot - so he will be in his beach clothes - very bizarre for a February birth.
We also have to purchase a fishing net - one of Matt's jobs will be to fish out any 'foreign objects' that may appear (apparently once you get in the pool, you don't want to get out for any reason!) What a lovely job, I guess I won't be eating any hot curries beforehand!!!!!!
I'm just back from my 36 week antenatal check up - I actually met my named midwife today for the first time. Blood pressure is back to normal and the size of the baby is also normal, my chart predicts that the baby is already over 6lbs, but I don't know how accurate it is, so am not taking it too seriously. Asked the midwife about these pram blankets etc - she said not to worry too much - just bring in some sheets that we will be using in the moses basket - and anyway they have everything on the ward for the baby. She said more important is things for me so I will take her advice.
Can you book the birth pool or is it on a first come first served basis? Stoke Mandeville was like this and only had one pool, not sure they encouraged sharing!!!!
Glad you have finally sorted out the sheet/blanket issue, it's funny how these things are a big deal BC (before children) but afterwards seem not to matter so much as you just get on with it:-)
No you can't book, mainly because you can't be sure when you are going to be in labour. I asked the question about how often you get two mums wanting it at the same time, they said it was very rare, and anyway, there is another one in Shrewsbury, so if the one in Telford is being used, they will call ahead and reserve the Shrewsbury one for you
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