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Thursday, 1 July 2010

No clothes for a poo monster!

Another fantastic night's sleep, so why oh why am I so tired? I have been yawning my way through the last couple of days. No idea why, I've had plenty of sleep, but I feel sooooo tired all the time, not good! Hoping I feel better tomorrow.

So, usual Thursday routine for us today. Morning nap and then Jungleland for Breast Feeding Group. Had a good time, Tom has either grown a bit or got a bit stronger (or most likely a mixture of the both) as he can now get up all the ramps to play on the slides. In fact he is much more able to manoeuvre around the equipment than some others his age who have been walking for longer (he isn't as cautious as others, just attacks things rather than thinking it through first!)

Had a good time and Sammie reported back on the Flower Fairy Cake saying it was lovely. She wants me to do a cupcake tower for her wedding, but I found out today that her wedding is the day after we get back from Spain (boo hoo!!!!!) However, she is now asking me for a quote for a fruit cake instead - how lovely, although a shame, I would have loved to do a cupcake tower for her.

Tom ate at Jungleland - usual chips and bread, (not a balanced meal, but he enjoyed it) when we got home, he had some fruit (grapes are favourite at the moment) whilst I had my lunch. He then went for his nap whilst Matt and I tinkered on our respective computers.

Once Tom was up we headed out to Lidl to get a new frying pan (oh yes we know how to enjoy ourselves) and then spent the rest of the afternoon outside, playing in the garden. Jodie disgraced herself, she relieved herself on Matt's very expensive rucksack when we were out, Matt was not impressed!

Tom had a huge dinner of left over Japanese stew and rice, a rice cracker and cream cheese, a yogurt and fruit (greedy pig!) then playtime during which he did an absolutely massive poo which leaked out over his clothes and also got my top (yuck!) Hence why today's photo of him has him just in his nappy - I couldn't be bothered to put him in clothes again.

Oh we had a break through with his milk tonight. I gave most of it in his bottle as usual and had a sippy cup with some more in on the arm of the chair. Once he had finished his bottle, he picked up the sippy cup AND drank some of the milk in it. We will get there eventually!

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