One good thing about hosting a big bbq is that you end up with lots of food so we will have bbq chicken, sausages and mochi for every meal for a while. Just as well that it is cake course day today, we can both raid the fridge for lunch.
We forgot to take any photos and didn't have the opportunity to take a photo of all the babies together as there was always at least one asleep (Tom missed a good hour and a half - but he still has his cold and was slightly under the weather). One day I hope we will manage to do it. They are all at very different stages of development. Seren and Olly are walking quite confidently (although our garden proved too much for them - it's so uneven). Seren is also beginning to talk and understands a lot of what is being said to her. Matt couldn't get over the transformation in Mae - she looks like a toddler and is very tall compared to the others. She can stand but can't walk. Jessica loves to point at things and is at the same stage as Tom with her walking.
As you can see I managed to take one pic - Tom wearing Michelle's sun glasses (Michelle was being optimistic) - doesn't he look like a cool dude?
People didn't leave until 5, so Tom had his dinner whilst we cleared up and then we collapsed for the evening.
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