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Thursday, 18 June 2009

ivillage - what a great tool

Had a better night last night - Tom woke at 11.00 (just needed settling), 1am for feeding and 3.40am for feeding. He didn't wake until after I got up! Did our usual morning thing. I put up a message in ivillage regarding weaning as suggested by Lisa.

Went to under ones club where I started a discussion about weaning and the different advice you get depending on who you ask! One thing is for sure, the advice is certainly not consistent! Also found out that waterbabies now have a Saturday session in Telford, so I need to ring them up and see if we can transfer.

Came back and had lunch whilst Tom was asleep - for once we were synchronised time wise. After lunch we went to see Carol at General - she signed Tom's passport photo and application form which we then sent in the post.

Came back to find 2 replies from ivillage - both saying don't wean him yet. I am quite pleased by this as it backs up my instincts. ( I'm worried about lack of poo (its been 10 days now).

1 comment:

Simon, Clare and Jake said...

Hiya - Just to let you know that we weaned Jake after 17 weeks (mostly because he was fussy about his milk) and it worked for us and I think we are reaping the benifits now as Jake is not fussy at all about his food (although I guess that can still change). I am pretty sure that there is no right or wrong answer, so you should trust your instinct and do what you think is best. Hope this helps