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Wednesday, 21 October 2009

Hyperactive Tom

Took me until midnight to get Tom properly asleep again. I left him snoring in his cot a number of times, but 5 mins after leaving him he would be awake again. He finally fell asleep in my arms and stayed asleep when I put him down. He was awake again at 2.30, I managed to feed him to sleep and then that was it. In fact I woke before he did after that. I was awake at 6.00, he woke up at 6.30. I managed to persuade him to take his dummy and stay in his cot until 6.50 which is an improvement on yesterday.

This morning was a run of the mill day. This morning we went to baby clinic. Tom is still 19lb 3oz. Had a long conversation with a HV about colds and lack of weight gain. She basically said that we are doing everything right, and that it is a phase he is going through and we will just have to sit it out.

This afternoon saw us in Asda - well it's almost been two weeks, Tom, bless him must be missing it.

So today, Tom was hyperactive. He was bonkers for the whole day! He is trying so hard to crawl. He did manage to get from sitting to the crawl position on his own today (for a couple of seconds before crashing onto his front) He also managed to crawl across the lounge, using my hands as something to push against, he was also rolling from his back to his front continually today. Maybe he will start moving soon...

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