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Thursday, 18 February 2010

I can sleep in a tent

Not much to talk about today. Tom had an ok night, I think he woke at 6 and I settled him (can't quite remember) obviously it wasn't a bad night.

After his morning nap, Matt took Tom to Asda to buy some bits for dinner whilst I started packing for Tom for Japan. It seems that we need to take more as carry on luggage than in the suitcase for him!! Can't pack 10 mins prior to departure anymore - that's for sure.

I put Tom down in his tent for his afternoon nap. He didn't like me for it and protested for 30 minutes, but eventually went to sleep and slept well.

During his nap I made Tom a vat of butternut squash risotto - very tasty it was too. When Tom came to have dinner he refused it point blank. In fact he has been really naughty about food today, he would only eat completely smooth things. I had to resort to Ella again - he managed the fish pie which surprised me, but refused anything slightly lumpy. I tried him with sandwiches, rice cakes, fruit, but everything got spitted out. Oh hum, I guess it is a phase. Needless to say I have packed lots of Ella to go to Japan with us - if he gives up eating that then we're in trouble.

That's pretty much it for today, he was a happy soul and quite active (not sure where he gets his energy from). Had a good bath and then I gave him his bottle before putting him down to sleep in the tent again. This time I only had about 2 minutes of refusal before he curled up and went to sleep. I even managed to zip the tent closed without too much protestation. We've heard from him once tonight, but he got himself back off without any intervention. It's looking like he has accepted the tent which is very good news - will make staying at people's homes much easier and more relaxing.

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