We got the bus down the hill to Rokko Michi station, then the express to Osaka where we said goodbye to Hiromi - we had such a lovely time with her, she, as usual was incredibly hospitable and enjoyed having Tom around. He is very lucky to have such a wonderful Japanese Aunt.
We arrived at Kansai, checked in immediately, found the restaurants (didn't manage to find them last time - note to self, don't go through security until we have eaten). Got through security with no problems, taking baby milk is fine in Japan, seems that it is just the UK that doesn't allow babies to have milk on their journeys (as you can see I am still very angry about that). Kansai also had a soft play area for babies, so we took Tom for a last Hai Hai before the flight.
We had an ok flight, unfortunately it was completely full, but we had a nice Mexican lady sat next to us who was very understanding. Tom fell asleep during take off and stayed asleep for 1.5 hours (his usual afternoon nap). We then tried to put him to sleep at the usual time for his night time sleep, but he wasn't having it. He fought and fought it for 2 hours until he finally nodded off exhausted. He managed 3 hours asleep (mostly in funny positions with bum sticking in the air) which was good. Arrived at Schipol early and had 3.5 hours to kill, so had dinner and then found some comfy loungers to rest in. Tom fell asleep on me here for a good hour.
Got the Birmingham flight out after an argument with security. This time because we had bought a bottle from duty free in Kansai, apparently you can't take a bottle purchased outside of the European Union through Europe. It is supposed to be taken off you and destroyed (Matt offered to open it and taste it, but that wasn't allowed). However, Tom worked his magic again, and the ladies bent the rules and allowed us to check it in using one of our hand luggage bags. Phew! Flight to Brum was fine, probably only about 20% full so very little hassle and our baggage was waiting for us on arrival.
Got the bus back to our car. Tom fell asleep during this time and didn't really wake up again apart from being put in and out of the rucksack and in and out of the car and being stripped, put in his pyjamas (oh he managed to wee on our carpet as well at this stage) and in his cot. He was a very tired boy.
Oh - video takes a while to load, but it is worth it.
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