As I said, yesterday nothing much happened. We were supposed to meet up with Kamila and Stella, but she blew us out, so we spent the morning running errands. I decided to buy retrospective birthday presents for Oliver and Sam after the fab birthday party on Friday, as neither baby managed to turn up for Gymbabes on Monday, I decided to deliver them in person. So, went to Oliver's first, to find Rachel still in her dressing gown (oops), Oliver had been unwell over the past 24 hours (severe diarrhea poor thing, spent a lot of time in the bath being cleaned) and then to Sam who wasn't in - I think down in London.
We then popped into Asda for some bits before returning home for lunch (Tom didn't eat much at all). Didn't do anything in the afternoon other than play. Tom launched into full bellied crying at dinner time, he ate his dinner, but it wasn't great. The screaming got louder and louder, until in the end I got Matt up to help. He suggested some teething gel, it worked immediately.
He then had a good bath, bottle and bed. I went to cake course for the last lesson, Matt reported that Tom wasn't at all settled on my return, waking every 20 mins or so for a little grizzle. I went up to see him, gave him some more gel which seemed to work. However, when we went to bed, we could still hear him cry. I went in to see him, he was crying in his sleep, but I woke him up, he was really really hot, so we gave him some Calprofen. Both of us were expecting to hear from him during the night, but as you know, babies aren't predictable. We didn't hear from him at all. Matt and I didn't do as well, both of us were worried about him and as a result didn't sleep - typical!
Today was also a bit of a non event. We went to aerobics in the morning, where Tom had a play in the creche and that was pretty much it. For some reason I was a bit down in the dumps today, which meant that I found it hard to stimulate myself, let alone Tom. Not sure why, but we all have our off days. Tom also rejected a feed from me this afternoon which didn't help.
He's still not that happy and we have heard the odd grizzle already tonight. I have noticed that one of his bottom molars is now completely through, but the two upper ones are still moving. He is all snotty, so we are pretty sure it is teething that is the problem at the moment.
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