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Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Raspberries and Fur - Tom is Developing!

Last night was good. Tom was up at 1am for feeding and then didn't wake until 6am. I managed to convince him to go back to sleep, so he didn't wake again until I walked in his room at 7.20. Did usual morning things, and then he was back asleep at 8.30.

Once he was up again we went out to do our chores. Asda for Weetabix for Matt (and yes I managed to go there and just buy Weetabix - how good am I?), Post Office to send parcel off to Clare, Library to extend lending time for a book for me (funny don't seem to have much time to read books these days!). I also enrolled Tom, so he has his first piece of plastic and his first library books. Next stop was baby clinic - he's back to his old ways again, he has gained 10oz this week and is now weighing 15lb 8oz.

Returned home, he was still fast asleep in the pram so I took the opportunity to get some bits and pieces done as this afternoon we are off to Amanda's for our next session of baby massage.

Development wise Tom does seem to be changing all the time. He now blows raspberries when happy and he has started grabbing things. Problem is that his hands are so small that it is hard to find something small enough for him to grab, although we have discovered that he is good at pulling Jodie's fur out!!!! Jodie to date has been very good with him, she spat at him when the fur pulling incident happened which is fair enough. She hasn't tried to scratch him which is great - it was a worry as Jodie hasn't really shown herself to be baby / child friendly in the past.

Massage session went ok. Tom started to grizzle half way through it, I ended up having to massage him sitting up. Basically he is too nosey and his boredom threshold is too low for him to cope being on his back for so long. We missed a bit of the massage, but not too much and anyway I have the notes, so I should be able to catch up between now and the next session.

Tom then had his usual grizzling period between 5 and 6 before his bed time routine. Initally he refused to go to sleep, but after a cuddle and a story he seemed to relax and we didn't hear from him again.

Today's pic - Tom in his spotty dog outfit - will probably be the last time he wears it as he is growing so much. This is Matt's favourite.

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