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Sunday, 15 February 2009

First trip out

Hello Nik here again, and as promised I am now a mum.

So, Tom was a good boy last night, he settled down at 1.30am and then was up at 4.50am, settled again 5.30 before waking up at 8.15 so I managed to get some much needed sleep.

Breastfeeding is getting a little tricky at the moment, my milk has come in, which has meant that my boobs are ENORMOUS, making it very hard for Tom to latch on. In fact when he is latched on to one, milk pours out of the other. I actually woke up in a pool of milk this morning.

The midwife came round at 10.00. She did the heel prick test - which he suffered with barely a whimper - what a good chap - she remarked on how laid back he is. A midwife is going to come tomorrow as well to check up on breastfeeding and any support I need.

He had his first trip out today - first of all he was shown off to the neighbours. Hannah and Becca (6 and 4 respectively) both spent time holding him - we've never seen Becca so still ever. Hannah looked very proud to be given a chance to hold him. Tom behaved impeccably. We then decided to go to Asda to get some food in ready for Mum and Dad's visit. Took us a good hour to work out how to assemble the pram, put Tom in it, find a pump for the wheels etc etc, but we got there in the end.

Tom stayed asleep for the whole of his trip to Asda (can't really blame him - it's not the most exciting of places). Even though I was pushing my son along in a pram, I still have a problem trying to get my head around the fact that he is my son and I am a mum????!!!!!!!

Came home, had cheese for lunch whilst breastfeeding without making too much mess. Mum and Dad then turned up. Mum went completely gooey - took all of about 2 mins to be having cuddles. Dad also had a good long cuddle with him. We got loads more presents, including some from Mum and Dad's neighbours in Crapstone - it's amazing the effect a baby can have on people.

Tom spent most of the afternoon awake, so we are hoping that he will need sleep again in the night - we will see. Would be good if we can get a repeat performance of last night.

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