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Friday, 27 February 2009

How to Burp a Baby

Sorry for lack of entry yesterday - just that nothing of note happened, plus Tom was having a feeding frenzy which meant I had NO TIME to do anything other than serve up what he was wanting.

One good thing was that he only woke up once last night - at 3.30am. Poor thing is congested at the moment, meaning that he's finding it hard to get to sleep, so he didn't get back to sleep until 5.30, but at least it was only one wake up and not several. Unfortunately, I'm so tuned into him waking up every 2 hours, that I was awake throughout the night wondering why he wasn't!!!!

Health Visitor came round this morning to complete his hearing test which worked first time, so he has a clean bill of health for hearing which is good.

At 11.00, we went to the Breastfeeding Support Group held at the Salvation Army. Was good, saw a couple of familiar faces and was able to talk to people about various techniques. I've been having trouble burping Tom, and as a result he has been vomiting up a bit. I was shown a new way this morning - see pic (I apologise as usual for me - I really don't take good photos - not sure what has happened to my arm in this one?!). This has been successful so far, Tom has burped and hasn't been sick.

Paul from #53 came round this morning, he and Rose have suggested that we all go out together for dinner tonight. They are keeping an eye on us as they said they would, we really are lucky to have such great neighbours.


Lisa said...

Where *is* your arm?!

Simon, Clare and Jake said...

I reckon Tom eat it!!!!!!!