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Sunday, 8 February 2009

What's Happened to My Contractions?

So, all was going nicely, and then I managed to doze for 30 mins and now the contractions have stopped! Bugger!

Have been to Shrewsbury - they did the scan and the baby is in the right position. If I'm not in labour by 8pm tonight then I have to go to Shrewsbury to give birth. They have provisionally booked me in for induction tomorrow at 3.30pm, for which I have to be on the consultant led ward. Booking in time apparently has no relevance to procedure time - depends on how busy the ward is etc etc, so it could be Tuesday before the baby arrives.

We have been out for a spicy lunch, been for a walk in the snow including steps and I'm about to drink some raspberry leaf tea - in an attempt to kick start the process again. Both of us are feeling quite frustrated as it would be so much nicer to do a water birth in Telford.

Keep your fingers crossed for us tonight!


DebbieF said...

Aaaaaggghhhh, I'm so excited! My fingers are firmly crossed for you. Take care. Love Deb x x

Lisa said...

I have everything crossed for you. Presume you have your laptop packed so you can live-blog the event?!

Veesie said...

Yes, me too - v. excited. If I could drink the raspberry leaf tea for you (yuk) I would - that's how excited I am!!

I'm keeping everything crossed for you and hope to see the "New Young One" very soon. Will call later. Lots of love, V xx

Nik and Matt said...

Hi Lisa - of course!!! I'm sure everyone would love a vivid description of the whole thing!