Sorry I didn't blog yesterday, I forgot as my computer was downstairs. Anyway - quick resume: went swimming with Rachel and Olly in the morning, but Tom didn't enjoy himself, he grizzled quite a bit, meaning we were only in the pool for about 20 mins. Came home, had lunch and then were at nursery for 2pm. Tom settled in fine again, but around 4pm started to cry. I tried everything I could but couldn't really calm him down. I put it down to him being over tired and took him home. I put him in his cot, but he continued to cry. He then did 3 massive poos in 30 minutes. After that he was fine, so I guess it was stomach ache.
Today dawned clear and beautiful so we made the most of it. Whilst Tom was napping I did a quick circuit of the garden pulling up the worst of the weeds, whilst Matt washed his bike and got the mower ready.
Once Tom was up he joined us in the garden, and then did another couple of runs on his bus out front (this time with Hannah and Becca helping!) We then popped out to The Lamb in Edgmond to meet up with Kamila, Sam and Stella - this being about 6th time lucky. We had a lovely lunch, both babies were very well behaved and played nicely with each other. The food at the pub was really good and very cheap and we had the garden more or less all to ourselves making it a lovely afternoon.
At 2, both babies showed signs of needing a sleep so we headed off on our separate ways. Tom went down with not a murmur and we continued working in the garden, it really was a gorgeous day - best one of the year to date.
Tom had another play once he woke up, then dinner, play, bath, bottle and bed. Oh, and I am pleased to announce that he did 3 solid poos today - yahhoooooo! (Typical as I spoke to our Dr's surgery yesterday for advice and I had to go down with a stool sample for them to test just in case there is something wrong with him - lovely job!)
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