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Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Fruit and Veg is great for weight gain!

Had a good night, Tom only woke once at 3.30 for feeding, I was back in bed at 3.45, however, took about an hour to get back to sleep again!

This morning we had arranged to meet with Rachel Z to do baby aerobics in Shifnal. It was basically open air circuit training. Was good fun, especially to catch up with Rachel again and to do exercise with someone I knew - we were both fit as each other which was good.

Rachel invited us back for lunch, so we went and had a play. I haven't seen her for ages so we were nattering 10 to a dozen. Both babies have changed quite a bit, Oliver is far calmer, and now the same size as Tom. He's learnt to roll as well, but unfortunately can only roll one way from his back to his front, and then starts crying - not good!

We came back and went to baby clinic, Tom is now 18lb 6oz, so feeding him fruit and veg has had an effect, that's the most weight he has put on in ages. Came home and had a play, he was a bit grumpy as his naps were quite short today - he didn't manage his proper last feed, so we are expecting him to wake up shortly once he realises...

Today's pic of him on the playmat, the little bugger rolled from his front onto his back again - I was in the room, but not looking at him at the time! He chooses his timings very carefully!!!!!

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