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Sunday, 12 July 2009

Why won't he roll for me?

Another good night - yahoo. Tom didn't wake until 4.30am, had a feed and was back asleep again within 30 mins. He woke up at 7am full of beans, playing with his feet and full of smiles and giggles, so obviously he had forgotten the trauma of swimming yesterday. We had a good play on the bed.

Today we went into Birmingham for the JET pre-departure party which was being held at a Chinese / Japanese bbq / buffet type place. Tom initially wasn't best behaved, he was very noisy, not screaming but talking very loudly and he completely refused to feed - very unlike him, no amount of persuading him would work - I took him out and found a quiet place for him, but once again he wouldn't feed, so I gave up. I guess there was just too much stimulation for him. I, on the other had took advantage of the generous portions and ate for England - I have an enormous appetite at the moment - something to do with having to feed a large baby - I have to work hard to keep his figure up! I haven't been full since I gave birth - I think I could quite easily eat 24/7 and never fill up - the sweeter the food the better!

In the end he fell asleep and fed once he woke up. In fact he was a really cheery chap when he woke up. He spent quite a bit of time with Matt and the new JETs charming them all. I was impressed, I would have been very scared of a baby at their age!

Came home. I put Tom on the jigsaw mat in the lounge, whilst I went in the kitchen to prepare his bottle. Came back into the lounge to find that Tom was on his front - the little bugger rolled again without me seeing! Next time I went in, he had just rolled back onto his back with Matt as his audience. Hummm. He then rolled from his front on to his back again with me watching which was good.

After his bath, he rolled from his back onto his front again - but I was in the shower! It's almost as if he doesn't want me to see him. That's four times he's rolled from his back to his front and four times I've missed it! By the law of averages I have to see him do it soon.

1 comment:

Nik and Matt said...

Nope. I have an exclusivity agreement with Tom for back-to-front rolls. We'll let you know when it expires.