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Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Toys - pahh! I love spoons

Tom was a little bugger last night. I'm not sure, but I think he woke up at 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am and 5am (not sure because it all rolls into one after a while). I did try to leave him on his own to go back to sleep, but he wouldn't and the noise just got louder and louder. Every time I went in there was a big gummy grin on his face - the little bugger - it's so hard to angry with him when he is like that.

Today is buggysize day, but the weather is horrible, my joints are very stiff and I didn't think any of the other girls were going, so I knocked it on the head and decided to do the Asda, Library and Baby Clinic run instead - Tom hasn't put on any weight, but I'm not surprised after the amount of poo he has produced this week. He, hopefully has regulated himself now, and will put on some weight next week.

This afternoon saw us at the HLC for another swimming session with Rachel and Mae. As usual it was lovely, Tom spent a full hour in the water and was very relaxed and cooing at the end.

He had a nice long sleep on our return, then dinner - today he ate my cauliflower cheese (I mixed it with butternut squash which seemed acceptable). I gave him a big lump of banana to play with as usual, today he managed to pick it up and put it in his mouth and take a chunk out of it. He suprised himself and spat it out, but I managed to convince him to take it again and he ate it - so chunks are now offically ok (well if they are made from banana). He then spent a good 30 minutes playing with a spoon in his high chair which was fantastic as it meant I could get things done.

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