We were up as usual at 7am, Tom had his breakfast, well sort any way, he didn't really eat that much and went for his nap. At 10 we set off to Julie's. A journey that is only 15 miles and should have taken 40 minutes took 1.5 hours, I wasn't impressed. Anyway, I still go there before Vera.
Spent a lovely day with Julie, Tal, Aaron and Vera. It's quite hard to have a proper conversation with three little ones, but we managed to catch up a little. Tom stayed awake for the whole time which was pretty good and he was pretty cheerful, so can't really complain. He taught Julie and Vera to clap - they caught on pretty quickly. He was quite pleased with them.
We left at 3, leaving a good 2 hours to get home. Silly me, it was snowing and of course when it snows everything comes to a halt, especially in London. It took me a massive 2.75 hours to get home, there was no accident, no road works, just everyone going very slowly because there was some white stuff falling out of the sky. Very very annoying and Tom wasn't very happy either. Meant we ran an hour late putting Tom to bed. All seemed well with him though.
1 comment:
i know what you mean about the snow - seemed crazy yesterday, one guy at work left thame at 8pm got home (bracknell) at 4am!!!!!! see you very soon at m&d:-)
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