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Sunday, 15 November 2009

Better day

So, Tom slept until 2.30 and then slept in half hour chunks until 4, when I managed to get him on the breast again and therefore in a deep sleep until 6.30. I then put him in bed with me, he fell asleep again at 7.30 until 8.30. I discovered a new trick last night. Matt suggested dipping his dummy in something nice to persuade him to take it. So, last night i took some puree up with me and dipped it in each time I gave it to him. It worked, he didn't refuse it even once. He still screamed each time he woke up, but for only about 10 minutes rather than an hour, so an improvement. When he woke at 6.30 he was very grizzly, but once he had had a nap he was better. I, on the other hand didn't do too well, was hallucinating and having very bizarre dreams throughout the night.

Gave him breakfast, he ate half a weetabix with no trouble at all, so his appetite is definitely on the up. We were supposed to go to Stella's Christening today, but I am still feeling rough and the idea of sitting in church for a service whilst trying to keep Tom happy and quiet is just too much. I let Kamila know and felt awful as she said that we were the 4th lot to cancel on her today - oops.

Tom had a decent lunch and then we popped to Asda to get some food for tonight. 3pm saw us at the station to collect Matt (believe it or not, the trains actually ran on time today). Tom was fast asleep when Matt arrived, so we put him in his bed for his afternoon nap. After an hour and a quarter Matt went up to wake him. Apparently he was fast fast asleep. He spent the next hour grizzling, (I think we should have left him to sleep) - not a great welcome home for Matt, especially as he had been very chirpy and smiley earlier in the day.

He did cheer up after his dinner, but was soon grizzly again. He had his bath with me (I then had a nice long, hot soak) and his bottle with his Dad. Apparently he was very wide awake when Matt bid him goodnight, but we haven't heard from him yet...

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