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Sunday, 29 November 2009

Young Family Reunion

It was a bad night last night. Tom woke at 11pm, it took over an hour for him to get back to sleep (we gave him some Calprofen as we couldn't find any Calpol yesterday - we've got through a whole bottle already. We would get him settled and he would be fine, but then he would cough and that would lead to crying). He was then awake at 1am, 1.30 and 2.00. At 2.30 I gave up and put him in bed with me. (Matt had gone downstairs). Still took him a good hour to get to sleep, but at least he wasn't crying. Our alarms are all set for 7am, so I was ready and poised to turn them off immediately as he was still asleep. He stayed asleep until 7.30 and then played quite nicely on the bed as usual.

Today we had planned to meet up with Grannie and Grandpa London and Auntie Jude and Uncle Richard at a pub roughly half way between us in Gaydon. Yesterday we weren't sure if it was going to happen as Tom has been so miserable, but he seemed a little happier today, so we went ahead. I didn't put him down for his morning nap so he was nice and tired for the car journey. The plan worked well, he slept the whole way. We took him for a quick jaunt in the Baby Bjorn when we arrived as we were a little too early.

He was extremely well behaved in the pub, we were there for a good 2 and a half hours, and considering he is not well, he really did very well. He managed some smiles and played nicely (I had a bag with about 10 different toys in to keep him distracted). He also managed a bigger lunch today and ate some of the lentils he refused yesterday. Still wasn't that big, nothing compared to what he was eating this time last week, but I think every day he is eating more. Pretty sure he is going to weigh less this week though.

He had a good giggle with his Grandpa, did very well at grabbing at his Grannie's glasses, earrings, coffee cup, etc and gave Jude his special 'Jude stare', before finally smiling with her. Towards the end he started to grizzle so we said our goodbyes. Tom was asleep before we left the village, I was asleep before we got to the M42, so Matt had a lonely trip home.
Played with Tom in the afternoon, once again he was quite grizzly. He managed some dinner, then had a long play in the bath with me before bottle and bed.

Whilst talking with Pat about Tom's sleeping pattern, she suggested that we keep some background noise on. Tom always seems to wake up just as Matt and I turn everything off and snuggle up. Makes sense, maybe the sudden quiet is a factor in him waking up. We have also noticed that his room isn't that warm, so we have put him in a vest and a sleep suit and we have left his radio on. I'm willing to try anything. We will see if it works...

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