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Wednesday, 25 November 2009

He slept! Phew!

A good night. Tom woke at 11pm, I had to go in and settle which took all of 5 mins, and that was it. He woke at 5am and 6am, but both times he cried for about a minute and then fell silent - FANTASTIC. I managed to sleep for about 5 hours which was also ace, I am so used to broken sleep, that it is hard for me to stay asleep for the night when I am responsible for him. I woke up at 5.05 am and could not get back to sleep. However, it was nice to lie in bed and not have to get out. If he carries on like this, I will need to learn to sleep again.

It's even more amazing that he slept as he has a nasty cough at the moment, when we were in Spain that was the initiator for waking up and crying.

So, he got a huge kiss and cuddle when I went in to wake him up at 7am (he was on his front at the top of the cot). He had his feed and then a play on the bed. He was full of energy and rolling, rolling, rolling around the bed. He's getting more and more nimble, so we are going to have to be extra careful that he doesn't fall off.

After breakfast (he didn't eat much - too much phlegm I think) he had a play and then a nap, whilst I made Rachel's birthday cake. We then made our way down to baby clinic for weighing, and he has put on weight - hurrah. He is now 19lb 10oz, so still not where he was in September, but almost. If he carries on like this, he will hopefully crack the 20lb barrier in a week or two.

After lunch and afternoon nap we nipped to Asda to get some spuds to go with our sausages for tonight. Tom then had a play before dinner. He got a bit cranky, but I think that was because he is ill rather than unhappy. He ate an ok dinner (lumps not good at the moment - symptom of his cold I think) before bath and bed with his Dad.

He was on the whole a happy chappy today, plus Matt and I were also happy chappies after better sleeps. Fingers crossed that his better sleeping continues, would make such a huge difference to us all.

Today's pic - this is what happens if your baby sneezes whilst you are feeding them with a spoon - lovely!

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