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Friday 8 January 2010

Another normal day in the freezing cold

Tom had an OK night last night. He woke at 11pm, but got himself back off to sleep. Next we heard from him was at 4.15am when I went in to see to him. He had a minute of crying and then calmed down with a hug and went back to sleep again. That was it until 7am when I went in to get him.

Decided not to take the car out again today, with everything being so icy (it got down to minus 12 last night). This morning I made some more Tom food - pasta with chicken and broccoli - made with full fat milk, full fat marscapone and full fat cheese - if that doesn't put weight on him then I don't know what will?! Freezer is now full again, so will have to halt food production for a little while.

Tom had some of the pasta for lunch, he ate quite a good portion of it, although once again I had to put some puree on the spoon to get him to eat it. He had a good play after lunch. I left him to his own devices with a lot of toys scattered around the floor. He completed a couple of circuits playing happily with himself. In fact it was the longest he had gone on his own without needing me. Was nice to see him so content by himself, a sign he is getting more confident?

After his afternoon nap, we popped out to Asda to get a takeaway curry - roads too icy to go to Shifnal. Then it was more playtime, then dinner and playtime before bath and bed.

It's been a quiet week - normally I would go out a lot more, but with the freezing temperatures, I figured that it was sensible not to go out and about in the car. I have found it quite challenging not having other adult company and having to entertain Tom by myself (something I'm not sure I am particularly good at)

I do worry that maybe I'm not doing enough with him. We don't do a bedtime story yet, mainly because Tom doesn't like us reading to him, and the last thing we want is an upset baby directly before bedtime. I do try most days to read to him, but he doesn't like to sit still and listen and will wriggle and wriggle until he's no longer on the chair with me, or will just grab the book and put it in his mouth! I sing nursery rhymes with him and play with his toys. Should I be doing anything else? We have been trying to teach him to wave, but its not working - he just looks at us and laughs. I guess in his own time he will pick up everything he needs. I wonder what is development is governed by nature and what is governed by nurture?

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