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Saturday, 30 January 2010

Nightmare night

What a night - one that is best to forget I think! I was in bed around 7.30, freezing cold, so wearing pyjamas, fleece, socks etc. Woke up around 8.30 boiling hot and very sweaty, so took all the extra layers off. Matt came up around 9.45, I was still quite hot and sweaty and apparently snoring, so he ended up going downstairs.

Tom woke up at 2.30, I settled him, then 3.30 where he was wide, wide awake. He just wanted to play! I tried feeding him to sleep - it didn't work. Then I tried ignoring him, hoping he would get himself off, he just screamed and screamed (at this stage Matt came up to see what was going on). In the end I got the Calprofen out - it worked, but by now it was 4.30 am. Ouch! Each time I had to go back to cold, wet, clammy bed - guess what, I didn't get back to sleep. I think it was 5.30 by the time I got back to sleep, just what you need when you are trying to fight off a fever!!!!

We then woke up with a start at 7am. I wasn't ready, but on Saturdays it is really important that the naps work out to make sure that he is rested enough for waterbabies. So we went through the motions, Tom wouldn't eat his breakfast (he has got really bad with his food again in the last week. Refusing lots and not eating anything in great quantity. Makes me really worried as it was during his last not eating phase that he also didn't sleep). I managed to get some down him with Matt dancing at him to get him to open his mouth.

He went down for his nap ok though and was fast, fast asleep when we went in at 9.30 to collect him for waterbabies. He had a good session today, went under water with out a murmur (although a huge amount of snot came out of his nostrils the first time he went under - was quite disturbing). He grizzled once, when doing 'wibble wobble' - didn't want to sit, other than that he was very well behaved and seemed to enjoy himself.

Our plan for today was to go to Liverpool to Etsu to eat Japanese (today is our last day with the company car as it is being collected tomorrow - so we were going to eat up the miles with the fuel card), but after last night, we decided to stay closer to home and went to Birmingham instead. There is a good Japanese restaurant there called Mt Fuji. We turned up, but it was full to bursting with a wait time of a good 30 mins, so we reluctantly left and ended up in Pizza Express instead (perfectly nice pizzas, but not the same as sushi)

After lunch we did a little bit of shopping (Tom's birthday is coming up) and then returned home. Tom went for his afternoon nap, so we sorted out the cars, making sure all of our stuff is out of the Civic (although I have left a couple of Holroyd Howe bits and pieces in it - just to make a point!)

Today's pic is of Tom in the new car, looks good doesn't it.

After a mediocre dinner (Tom refused to have any pudding, but managed a decent amount of savoury) he had playtime, then a cheery bath and bed. He went to bed an hour and a half ago, and we have been up twice already to resettle him. Not a good start, I dearly hope it is not a sign of things to come...

Oh, after Tom went to bed I purged the house of BaxterStorey paperwork. Put a whole lot in a box to give back to the company - they can sort it out and shred it all, and threw a whole load out. Felt really good, although I will be sorry to say goodbye to the Civic, it's been a good car.

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