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Friday, 22 January 2010


Firstly, sorry, I forgot to take a picture today.

Had a good night. Tom woke up at 11pm, his dummy and nee-nor were stuck under him. As soon as I removed them he was fine and that was all we heard until I went to get him at 7am. As usual, he was a looney in the morning playing on the bed.

During his morning nap, I nipped out to Lightmoor Village to pass the Breastfeeding phone onto the next person. I only got the one call for the week. Got back in time to express a little more milk before waking him up. I was going to go to the cake shop to pick up some bits but it was raining and I didn't really want to take Tom out in it (no room for a pram in the shop). So we stayed in.

2.00 saw us on the way to Rachel McConnachie's for Sing and Sign. She did a course with Mae, and decided to teach us what she had learnt. She was amazing. You would think she was a professional. She is an opera singer, so is very musical and more importantly, very enthusiastic about the subject matter. She didn't mind that we were very sketchy in our singing voices. She really should go into business as a side line. I really enjoyed it. Tom wasn't that fussed - more interested in eating a cork coaster than learning the singing or signing, but I guess with time he might start learning. There was so much take in - many many signs, from which I have remembered a few. I definitely will look forward to Friday afternoons from now on. Was also good as Lou and Jessica came along, haven't seen them for ages - nice to catch up. Mae also has changed significantly from Monday - she has started to crawl and stand. She looks like a proper toddler! In fact, Tom is the only one of the NCT babies that still passes as a baby - something to do with being the smallest and baldest I think.

Came home just in time for dinner. Whilst putting Tom in his chair he bit me, not a small bite, a big, very painful bite (I now have a bruise and blood blister where he did it). The little bugger, I wasn't happy. I wonder if he is teething again. He didn't eat the best dinner, but enough.

Then playtime, bath and bed.

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